project details
Location: Trecastagni - Catania, Italy
Designer: arch. Salvatore Contrafatto
Construction manager: arch. Salvatore Contrafatto
Contributors: arch. Antonino Salanitro, arch. Claudia Catalano, Ing. Salvatore Asero
Note: This project concerns the Extraordinary Maintenance building located in downtown Trecastagni, specifically south of the White Largo n. 27, 28 and 29, and the corner of Via Vittorio Emanuele n. 164. The building, dating from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was the result of linguistic and compositional architecture defined by the aggregation, in later years volumes of construction in different parts of the building, recovered organically and through the continuity respect for ancient structures present in the center of Trecastagni.
Designer: arch. Salvatore Contrafatto
Construction manager: arch. Salvatore Contrafatto
Contributors: arch. Antonino Salanitro, arch. Claudia Catalano, Ing. Salvatore Asero
Note: This project concerns the Extraordinary Maintenance building located in downtown Trecastagni, specifically south of the White Largo n. 27, 28 and 29, and the corner of Via Vittorio Emanuele n. 164. The building, dating from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was the result of linguistic and compositional architecture defined by the aggregation, in later years volumes of construction in different parts of the building, recovered organically and through the continuity respect for ancient structures present in the center of Trecastagni.